Movie Database


Sechse kommen durch die Welt

Director: Rainer Simon, 69 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
Other Title
Nevdek Sytem Vladne
English Title
Six Go Around The World
Premiere Date
Release Date (for Cinema)
Literary Source
Gebrüder Grimm: "Sechse kommen durch die Welt", Märchen
Film poster for "Sechse kommen durch die Welt"

(Dir.: Rainer Simon, 1972)

Short Summary (English)

The battle has been lost and Malabunt, the king of the country, discharges his soldiers with a mere pittance for road toll. Only one of the cheated men protests the king's behavior and predicts that his ruler will one day have to surrender all the country's riches. Such rebellious behaviour has the soldier end up in a dungeon, but there he meets up with Strongman, his first ally for his retaliation plans. By sneezing, he breaks down the prison gate and together they make their escape. On the way, they are joined by four companions with marvellous talents: the best sprinter the musician whose fiddle can make anybody dance, the hunter with an eagle's eye, and Crooked Cap, the girl who can bring about frost. Together they challenge the princess to a contest and, at the very last moment, the sleepy sprinter manages to decide the competition for his friends. The defeated daughter of the king, however cunningly lures them into a trap and it is only Crooked Cap's frost that can prevent the worst from happening. After warding off the last attack of their adversaries, they go off with all the state treasures - to divide it among the people.


Source: Progress Film-Verleih

Film still for "Sechse kommen durch die Welt"

(Dir.: Rainer Simon, 1972) Photography: Waltraut Pathenheimer, Klaus Goldmann

Film still for "Sechse kommen durch die Welt"

(Dir.: Rainer Simon, 1972) Photography: Waltraut Pathenheimer, Klaus Goldmann

Film Crew

  • Rainer Simon
  • Rainer Simon
  • Roland Gräf
Film Editing
  • Helga Krause
  • Jiri Menzel (Soldat)
  • Günter Schubert (Starker)
  • Friedo Solter (Läufer)
  • Olga Strub (Schiefhütchen)
  • Christian Grashof (Fiedler)
  • Jürgen Gosch (Jäger)
  • Margit Bendokat (Prinzessin)
  • Jürgen Holtz (König)
  • Berthold Schulze (Oberhofmeister)
  • Lothar Förster (Henker)
  • Peter (auch: Eugen Peter) Herden (Hofdichter)
  • Walter Bechstein (Leibarzt)
  • Gerhard Rachold (Obrist)
  • Johannes Maus (Schuhmacher)
  • Werner Hafft (Metzger)
Assistant Director
  • Eva Seemann
  • Manfred Freitag
  • Joachim Nestler
Production Design
  • Georg Wratsch
Script Editing
  • Inge Wüste
  • Peter Rabenalt
  • Klaus Tolstorf
Costume Design
  • Werner Bergemann
  • Günter Hermstein
  • Jürgen Holzapfel
  • Irmela Holzapfel
Production Management
  • Herbert Ehler
Unit Production Management
  • Horst Schmidt
  • Werner Teichmann
DEFA Photography
  • Klaus Goldmann
  • Waltraut Pathenheimer
Dubbing (Dubbing Actor)
  • Eberhard Esche (Soldat)

Short Summary (German)

Im Lande Malabunt entlässt der König nach einem Krieg seine geschlagenen Soldaten mit einem kärglichen Wegegeld. Einer der Betrogenen protestiert und prophezeit dem König, er werde eines Tages noch alle Schätze des Landes herausgeben müssen. In den Kerker gesteckt, trifft der Soldat den ersten Partner für seine Vergeltung: den Starken. Mit einem kräftigen Niesen sprengt dieser die Kerkertüren, und auf der gemeinsamen Wanderschaft treffen sie den schnellsten Läufer, den Musiker, dessen Fiedel jeden tanzen lässt, den Jäger mit treffsicherem Schuss und das Mädchen Schiefhütchen, das Frost machen kann. Gemeinsam ziehen sie zum Hof, wo sie sich dem Wettkampf stellen, ihren verdienten Lohn gegen alle Tücken des Königs verteidigen und am Ende mit all seinen Schätzen abziehen, um sie an das Volk zu verteilen.

(Quelle: Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt Babelsberg. DEFA-Spielfilme 1946-1992)

Short Summary (Other Languages)

Alla fine della guerra il Re di Malabunt si congeda dai suoi soldati con un misero compenso. Uno di loro, sentendosi truffato, augura al Re di perdere tutti i suoi tesori. Rinchiuso per questo fatto in prigione, il soldato incontra il primo alleato per la sua vendetta: il “grosso”, che con uno starnuto rompe il cancello della prigione, permettendo a entrambi di fuggire. In viaggio i due incontrano il corridore più veloce, il musicista dal violino magico, capace di far danzare tutti, il cacciatore dalla mira infallibile e la ragazza capace di tramutare tutto in ghiaccio. Insieme, i sei si recano a corte, per sfidare il Re. Conquistate tutte le sue ricchezze, le distribuiranno fra il popolo. (Italienisch)

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