Film still for "Lotte in Weimar"

“At 6pm after the End of War” until “High Noon”

Cinema and Film in Postwar Berlin, 1945-1953

German Title: "Um 6 Uhr abends nach Kriegsende" bis "High Noon". Kino und Film im Berlin der Nachkriegszeit 1945 – 1953

Michael Hanisch
154 Pages
Price: 5,00 Euro

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Michael Hanisch writes about cinema and film in the postwar period from 1945-1953 in Berlin.
He analysed four different Berlin newspapers of that period, for the eastern part of Berlin the newspapers "Berliner Rundschau" and "Tägliche Rundschau", the "Tagesspiegel" and "Telegraf" for the western part.
Hanisch exposes contradictions of the East-German cultural policy, reports on the liberty of postwar cinema, the ambience in Berlin, the misery of the German film and the political struggle between the East and the West...

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