Film still for "Lotte in Weimar"

Myth and More

A Work-Biographical Kaleidoscope, by Walter Beck

German Title: Mär und Mehr. Ein arbeitsbiographisches Kaleidoskop von Walter Beck

Walter Beck
527 Pages, 90 Images
Price: 25,00 Euro (plus shipping)

Obtainable at:

Mär und Mehr

In 43 years of working for DEFA, the director created numerous feature films, primarily aimed at a young audience. He has filmed both historical material such as When Martin was fourteen (ALS MARTIN VIERZEHN WAR, 1964) or TRINI (TRINI, 1976) and contemporary material such as The Owl´s Hole (KÄUZCHENKUHLE, 1968) or The Beaver Trail (BIBERSPUR, 1984). Especially his fairy tale adaptations King Throstlebeard (KÖNIG DROSSELBART, 1965) or DORNRÖSCHEN (1970) are well known.

In "Mär und mehr" Walter Beck reports on experiences from his creative period, traces the genesis of his films, looks back on unrealized projects, tells of his work with young actors and actresses as well as of positive and negative experiences in everyday studio life.

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